South Carolina History...a brief moment in time

South Carolina, in fact, developed the 1st submarine in history to successfully sink a warship. What sub, you ask? Why the Hunley, of course.
Lt. George Dixon and his eight man crew embarked on this historic event on February 17, 1864. Powered by the men with a crankshaft, the Hunley cast out in the night toward the Union blockade ship, the Housatonic.
Armed with a 135 pound torpedo mounted on the front, the sub rammed the hull of the ship, creating a vast hole. As they backed away, the jerked the rope attached to the torpedo to blast the ship. The entire Housatonic caught fire and sank three minutes later. The Hunley flashed the predetermined signal for success and was never heard from again. All aboard perished in their triumphant night.
In 1995, the Hunley was once again to see the light of day as it was discovered off of the coast of Charleston. It was raised and delivered to the old Chaleston Naval Station where it is presumed it will stay until 2007. It is speculated that it will then be placed on display at the Charleston Museum. Amazingly enough, the remains of the crew were also found and given a proper burial.
So, whenever you hear people speak of the idiots of good 'ol South Carolina, kindly remind them that we weren't always idiots. We may have fought for the wrong side, but we had some damn good engineers.