And the idiot award goes to........

For anyone who witnessed the chaos surrounding the hat's 1st poker win...I can only hope you are still my friends. I saw a viewing of the godforsaken video of the victory dance. Morticfication is the only appropriate adjective to decribe it. Andrew may never talk to me again as I accused him of stealing my poker chips, and Charlie could not possibly have enjoyed anything beyond about 10 p.m. as the hat became rudely obnoxious and couldn't even remember what hands she was playing. Too all my poker peeps ....please still love me. Pops is proudly displayed on the bookshelf in the living room! in spite of the drunkeness apparently required for the hat to win, I sure do enjoy looking at "her."
poor hat! please don't feel bad - at least you didn't need babysitting from a polish sausage guy. you enjoy that victory and tell anyone who argues to go straight to hell - EB's got your back!
yo, the Hat - you're family! no need to feel bad - it was a thoroughly entertaining evening and i'll never be able to hear that song again without thinking of you. :D
"love you, mean it!"
oh the hat, we've all been's just that no one has caught us on video yet :)
I think you should feel terrorable! Why? you were having 10 times as much fun as all of us combined. you gots ta share that "s"! such as it is, casa chambers has had it way with you, your fruit has been taken and you are now truely one of us. hows the bow? and welcome
Don't feel bad not only did a girl win but you dominated. I think Charlie was just jealous that he wasn't that drunk. We have all been there and I have been caught on tape.
love you mean it
I really enjoyed your shananigans ... EL is right I am trying to figure out how I can get that altered next time and still pull off a win. No worries.
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