Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Awwww..the kitties are afraid, very afraid

This is what my two new kitties look like all the time..that is when I can actually see them. One is grey. I have named him Munch, after my favorite t.v. detective. The other is a muted calico. I have named her Mabel. Actually, she came with that name and it suits her so I kept it.

I can't wait to see our chauncey family portrait! April tells me she will bring it to school tomorrow. I am on pins and needles.

I managed to sleep all day today and never went to school. Don't ask me why. I have no good reason. Sure was nice.

Hope everyone is well and had a great holiday. Drink and Dance sounds like a grand idea.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ahhhh...What a great day!

This is what I look like today. Had no class and have managed to get through the day without studying a bit. I drank coffee and watched morning news shows in my jammies. The perfect start to the day.

I did put clothes on long enough to go look at some Katrina cats that need fostering/adoption. I am definately taking one, and maybe two. I won't get them until the week after Thanksgiving. If anyone is interested or knows anyone who wants a cat, these are need of some TLC. They are awfully cute, too.

Here's my very useful trivia contribution of extinct mammals in Australia. This is the diprotodon, the largest marsupial to ever inhabit the beautiful country of Australia. He lived 1.6 million - 40, 000 years ago. It is believed that he existed when the first homosapiens sapiens came to Australia because skeletons of the diprotodon have been found that exhibit hack markings (ouch!). His closest living relatives today are the wombat and, oddly enough, the teeny tiny koala. His length measured 9 feet. Oh, that crazy evolution.

Monday, November 14, 2005

And the idiot award goes to........

For anyone who witnessed the chaos surrounding the hat's 1st poker win...I can only hope you are still my friends. I saw a viewing of the godforsaken video of the victory dance. Morticfication is the only appropriate adjective to decribe it. Andrew may never talk to me again as I accused him of stealing my poker chips, and Charlie could not possibly have enjoyed anything beyond about 10 p.m. as the hat became rudely obnoxious and couldn't even remember what hands she was playing. Too all my poker peeps ....please still love me. Pops is proudly displayed on the bookshelf in the living room! in spite of the drunkeness apparently required for the hat to win, I sure do enjoy looking at "her."

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I can fit my whole fist in my mouth!

EB is helping me prep for the CD party. Thank goodness or all would have blank CDs. Looking forward to our family portrait. EB and perused the backgounds...looking good.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

the comminuted fracture

don't get one. they hurt.