Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that cigarette!

After a long hiatus, I have returned to the blogging world. Doesn't Mr. Chimp look happy? That is how I felt after smoking my 1st cig in 37 hours and 12 minutes on Wednesday. I have started over everday, but have yet to make it through a full day again. Failure? I do not think so.
Good times at Tasty World last night, followed by the ever famous "one drink too many" at Room 13. Ryan and I took a cab ride home and devoured a frozen pizza (fully cooked, of course).
Being lazy today. I fear the world of finals next week and have decided to forget they exist for a while. Selective memory can be helpful.
The new ultimate poker championship trophy is in the works. A sure crowd pleaser. I predict that all will fight especially hard to win this year as this is the best trophy ever. Are you sitting on the edge of your seat? I know that you are. The only tough thing is coming up with a name to match the grandeur of this gift to our lives. It won't be long before our next poker date, so stay posted for more details.
Love you....mean it
welcome back to blogdom! i've been putting off an April-style diss-comment because i knew it was only a matter of time before the Hat blogged once more.
it sounds like you're doing pretty well with the quitting smoking thang. it's definitely harder to quit cold-turkey if you're accustomed to smoking a lot. but if you really want to quit, it'll happen.
i can't wait for the first game with the new trophy! take your time with the name - it'll come to you.
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